Thursday, August 31, 2017

Groups- Intentional or Not?

Image by James MacDonald via Flickr.
There are many different instances where groups come into play. Whether it be in class, on public transit or even at a party, you're always grouped with people whether you realize it or not. There are many different types of groups, which is sort of weird because you would think that there would only be one type of group. The type of group that stood out to me the most was circumstantial groups. These groups emerge when external forces almost force the people to form a group because of the situation at hand. One example that came to mind while learning about this type of group was the showLost. On the show, there's a huge plane crash which forces all of the people on the plane to band together. They all get stuck on an island and have to group together to survive basically. The external force of the plane crash made them all band together for a temporary amount of time to survive. Now that I know all about the different kinds of groups, it's super interesting to analyze people in groups because I know they probably don't know what kind of group they're in.


  1. Hey Ashley, I really loved your post especially your example of lost. That really is a perfect example of a circumstantial group. All those people are forced to be put in a situation that none of them signed up for yet they all have to deal with it and work together. It is very interesting to not only see what kinds of groups people are in, but also how they react to the groups they are in as well. Lost is a good example of reactions to a certain type of group. Great work!

  2. I love that you used the example of Lost because TV and Movies do these so much. Groups of people somehow have to come together and fight. There are examples of different types of groups from the Expendables where they come together for the common good, No Country for Old Men where the cops have the job to find the killer, to even Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where it was by chance that they all got golden tickets. The media loves stories of collaboration.

  3. I loveee your use of the show Lost. It is one of my absolute favorites. Any who, I thought it was a very creative way to explain groups and how they can be very circumstantial and randomly put together like in the show how they all end up on a deserted island after a plane crash and before this incident, these people would’ve never crossed paths. It is fascinating to just wonder about all the other groups that exist in the world that we have no idea about.

  4. Hi Ashley! I love how you decided to write about the importance of groups as I too found it to be an important topic from this week as well. I never thought about how many intentional and unintentional groups there truly were and it's cool to learn more about them and see how they effect us in our daily lives. I enjoyed your unique photo choice and the examples that you stated as they were extremely accurate and a great way to relate these groups to us. Lost is such an iconic show and it is cool to see how you thought to use this as a way to explain the topic.
