Thursday, August 24, 2017

Collaboration Station

Image by Geralt (own work) via Pixabay
If you think about it, collaboration is everywhere. It's in social media, it's in classrooms, and it's even in our day to day speech. The key to collaboration is sharing your ideas with the world and asking for help/people to collaborate. There's definitely a fine line between just putting your ideas out there, and actually causing collaboration to happen. For example, if I posted a video of me talking about any given topic but did not ask for people's thoughts and opinions, that would just be me sharing my opinions. If I made the video and did ask for people's opinions, that would technically be collaborating. Like I said, collaboration is used in many day to day activities, however it is really easy to confuse collaboration with just regular conversation. This video should give a loose idea of one definition of collaboration, as there are many different definitions. Collaboration has many different meanings but for the most part means that more than one person is working towards a specific goal. This is why collaboration is almost everywhere because even if it's unintentional, humans collaborate every day.


  1. Hi Ashley!
    I loved reading your blog post and can tell that you have a strong grasp on the concepts that we have touched on in class. I also enjoyed your unique photo and video that you attached. I love how you mentioned that collaboration needs a specific goal as that was something I learned this week as well and was fascinated by. I think your overall description about collaboration was well worded and you engaged with the audience through your blog post. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.
    Rachel Morisky

  2. Hello Ashley,
    Great post! Yes collaboration is everywhere in varying degrees depending on intention and goals. Your post is well thought out and organized. You go from the general to the specific giving examples of yourself making a video without asking for opinions and a video with you asking for opinions. Your post was fun to read and upbeat. Thanks for the incite.
    Kevin Dufficy
