Thursday, November 2, 2017


Image via Wikipedia

Memes are probably the backbone of today's society. Where would we be without memes such as the Salt Bae meme or doge? Memes are all around the internet and even infiltrate into our lives. I have even found myself sending memes to my parents who are not 'hip and happening' as they would say. Memes are a way to spread content around the internet in a comical way that has the potential to reach millions of people. For example, I know a lot of people aren't really into politics and do not follow the presidency, but there are some really funny twitter accounts that take the President's tweets and put them side by side so you can see the hypocrisy that is going on. I also think that memes are a universal language and that they are an easy way to connect to people all around the world. Although they are mostly used for fun and games, they also can be used to spread information and spread awareness about different topics.


  1. Where would we be without memes today? In a very good place. Many people such as yourself think memes are hip and cool but it's really just a bunch of idiots communicating their bullshit that usually isn’t even comical nor could they every create themselves. See, look at the dumb doge edible picture you posted. What does it convey? Nothing, just like a Trump meme. Instead you should go read a published article and make informed decisions for yourself like other knowledgeable human beings.

  2. Personally, I very much enjoy memes and I think memes help us out because sometimes you just need to laugh. If we didn't have memes, we wouldn't be in a good place, everyone would just have this unexpressed anger or voice or sense of community, and that wouldn't help anyone. I like the doge meme posted, I think it's funny and sometimes people just need a laugh. The world doesn't have to be some damn serious all the time. Some memes have meaning, and even though I like memes, it doesn't mean I can't or don't make informed decisions (and who ever said we make decisions based on memes? or that we aren't knowledgeable because we don't like memes?). I love your post, and I think the previous comment has us pegged wrong. ♥
